Mental Health & COVID-19

All people are suffering mental health issues right now. Those who previously suffered find their condition exacerbated. Those who have never experienced such challenges suddenly are learning about anxiety, panic attacks and Situational Depression. Some, unaware really of their emotional state simply are experiencing a challenging increase of alcohol consumption, food, drugs and such, fights…

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Psychiatric diagnoses for three year olds?

Our government has decided to invest eleven million dollars over the next five years in mental illness checks for three-year olds. “THREE-YEAR-OLDS will be screened for early signs of mental illness in a new federal government program that uses behaviours such as sleeping with the light on, having temper tantrums or extreme shyness as signs…

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Madness that wouldn’t heal

Dear reader people experiencing mental illness suffer as much…sometimes more…from the harshness and rejection of their fellow beings. In writing these particular posts I hope to open people’s hearts a little more thereby maybe encouraging a kinder response. For me uppermost in my mind has always been the thought ‘what if this were me’. Please ponder…what if this…

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Medicating Emotions; avoiding pain to our detriment

I wrote recently about drugging our lives and continuing in that vein I first must say;  There are absolutely times whereby medication is required. There are some psychiatric illnesses where medication is as essential as insulin is to the person with Type One Diabetes. But note that word illness. Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Uni-polar. Without medication people…

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Drugging Our Lives

“10 year study of inpatient kids: 44% got antipsychotics. Is that a lot? Yes. It’s a lot. And most of the time, not even for psychosis. 44% of the PTSD and ADHD kids got antipsychotics. You can wrack your brain trying to figure this out or blame the usual suspects, but the answer is right…

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not mad, but sad

“So how come you’re not working in psych anymore?” “Burnt out.” “Not surprising.” “What do you mean?” “Well, what a job working with mad people and all. No wonder something rubbed off on you.” I sigh; look at the sky, taking the time to allow my spirited self to calm down before replying. “I burnt…

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