Mental Health & COVID-19

All people are suffering mental health issues right now. Those who previously suffered find their condition exacerbated. Those who have never experienced such challenges suddenly are learning about anxiety, panic attacks and Situational Depression. Some, unaware really of their emotional state simply are experiencing a challenging increase of alcohol consumption, food, drugs and such, fights…

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Choose Joy

Choose joy As the emotion you want to feel Acknowledging that we will feel other emotions Life is like that Ignoring it is silly Nevertheless we can still choose to commit 100% to feeling joy as often as possible. Seek it With your eyes With your nose With your ears With your skin With your mouth With…

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Life…On Pain

There will be times of woe There will be times of want There will be times of knee shattering pain. Know it, expect it, accept it.   Don’t pretend Don’t medicate Don’t temporize Cry it, heal it, accept it.   But do not seek it Do not fan the flames Do not make it harder…

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To All Year Twelve Students

   “I’m an old man now. I’ve lived a long and difficult life filled with so many misfortunes, most of which never happened.” Mark Twain   When a writer writes a line that hangs around a long time, it is because there is a truth within that touches us all. When I first read these…

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Since Son Left Home (day 4)

I sobbed a lot day one and two with the horrendous internal pain that loss causes. For nineteen years (plus the nine months he spent growing within) my son and I have journeyed through this mother/son relationship and have enjoyed each other’s company 98% of the time. My son brought joy into my heart and life…

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My son is leaving home in nine sleeps.

  He and I have journeyed together, just us, since he was two and a half. Nearly seventeen years. So many significant events occurred within/without me on the day he was born to this very moment. On the day of his birth, for the first time in my 32 years, I received the gift of…

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Dearest god-daughter

Dearest god-daughter In the middle of the night, instead of being home snuggled up in bed You were roaming the streets of the city. Free of rules, free of stupid adults, free to do what you want.   I know you feel old enough to make your own decisions We all did at sixteen. You…

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People in Emotional Pain

 To heal pain you must step up to it, you must examine it, you must find its deepest truth. This will hurt…a lot! We must step into our own internal fire of Armageddon where all things are revealed. About them, about us. And then we must express it, re-interpret it, understand it, accept it, and then own…

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You want to be happy?

The fact is I have not time to write these days. It’s all I can do to grab some time to read but if I have learnt one thing about myself  in the last seven months it is that if I MUST choose between reading or writing due to being time-poor, writing must go. My thirst for knowledge…

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